Improving Lesion Location Reproducibility in Handheld Breast Ultrasound.
Authors: James Chiu, Davide Bova, Georgia Spear, Jacob Ecanow , Alyssa Choate, Pierre Besson, and Calin Caluser
Evaluation of the Effect of Body Position and Probe Position on the Localization of Breast Mass in Free-Hand Breast Ultrasound Examination.
Presented at European Congress of Radiology 2022.
To assess the effects of the ultrasound probe orientation and positioning and of patient’s orientation on breast mass displacement.
Authors: D. Bova , C.Caluser , G.Spear , A.Choate , J.Econow , J.Chiu , P.Besson , A.Anwar , K.Sipiorski
Data from prone and supine MRI was used to predict breast target positions from prone MRI images in supine position
Presented at European Congress of Radiology 2019.
Predicting location of breast lesions in supine position from prone MRI data using machine learning.
Authors: L. Cherkezyan PhD, E. Aribal, O. Buğdaycı, C. Caluser, Y. Lei, Z. Anwar
BVN Technology Research Study
Presented at European Congress of Radiology 2018.
The Effect of Body Position and Probe Position on the Localization of Breast Mass in Free-Hand Breast Ultrasound Examination.
Authors: J. C. H. Chiu, A. Choate, J. Ecanow, G. Spear, S. Mondello, Y. Lei, C. Segarceanu
BVN Technology Research Study
Presented at European Congress of Radiology 2014.
Performance evaluation of an Automated Freehand Breast Ultrasound System for the completeness of scanning assessment.
Authors: S. S. Andrei, J. Gao1, J. Chiu, J. Turian, C. Caluser
Clinical Data obtained in 33 cases pending publication